Natural Organic Skin Care – Understanding Differences

Natural Organic Skin Care – Understanding Differences

What’s the Difference Between ‘Natural’ and ‘Organic’ Skin Care?

Interestingly, many people believe “natural” and “organic” share the same meaning but in truth, these terms are very different. Therefore, the first step involves gaining insight into definitions for each. Keep in mind that when referring to natural organic skin care, this applies to both home remedies and commercial products.

  • The percentage of water as a base ingredient is typically very high for inorganic or non-natural skin care products. Although an important ingredient for natural and organic skin care products as well, when the percentage of water is excessively high it means significant dilution.
  • One of the primary advantages associated with organic skin care products is that inorganic or non-natural remedies and products often contain artificial fillers and/or thickeners that create a creamy texture and appearance. However, these artificial ingredients are chemicals. This means harmful toxins are being introduced to the skin that after being absorbed end up in the bloodstream.
  • Something else to consider when it comes to natural and organic skin care products is that certified organic products have a plant and/or mineral base. Therefore, if someone is interested in buying a commercial product, it is important to look on the label for the term “botanical based” but to also make sure it is listed as being organically certified.